Media & News
Rachel won the best paper award for 2024, IMRIC, Hebrew University.
Moriyah and Moran won the best paper award for 2023, IMRIC, Hebrew University.
Yossi has been promoted to Associate Professor, 2021.

Yossi has been awarded the 2019 "Outstanding Young investigator" award by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Hebrew University.
Yossi has been awarded the 2017 Sir Zelman Cowen Universities Funds prize for “Discovery in Medical Research”.
Yossi has been appointed as a "HHMI International Research Scholar", 2017.
Yossi has been awarded the 2017 Krill prize for "Excellence in Scientific Research" by the Wolf foundation.
Yossi has been appointed as an "EMBO Young Investigator, (YIP)", 2017.
Yossi has been awarded the 2016 Hebrew University president's award in the memory of Prof. Yoram Ben-Porat for "Outstanding Young Researcher".
Yossi has been awarded the 2016 KY Cha award for "Stem Cell Technology" by the American society for reproductive medicine.
Yossi has been awarded the 2016 award for "Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine" by Science and Science transnational medicine magazines and Boyalife company.
Yossi has been elected as one of ten most promising young investigators in Israel, under 40, for 2015. Journal "TheMarker" (Hebrew)